Responsibility in Occupational Safety

It is possible to take measures against occupational accidents and diseases as part of the occupational safety through the cooperation of the employer, the worker and the State.

Role of the Employer in Occupational Safety
One of the main duties of the employer within the context of occupational safety is creating the conditions that match the characteristics of the work performed by the personnel. Employers are obliged to provide workers with training related to their work and fulfill their legal obligations to the workers and environment. 10-20% of occupational accidents are caused by management errors.

Role of the Worker in Occupational Safety
The worker has a profound role in occupational safety. That’s because 80-90% of occupational accidents are caused by employee errors or failure to comply with the rules. Since the workers’ own health is at stake, it is necessary for them to learn and develop knowledge and skills related to their profession. Compliance with occupational safety rules will both protect the health of the workers and prevent them from taking financial responsibility.

Role of the State in Occupational Safety
In terms of occupational safety, the State has a legal authority to impose sanctions in the business world. In addition to the implementation of the legal obligations determined by the state, the Ministry of Labor also carries out activities that have regulatory, guiding and educational functions in the working life.

Demir Safety